239 – Everything

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Everything tekst


T + B              You’re a falling star   you’re the get away car

you’re the line in the sand

When I go to far    you’re the swimming pool,    on a August day

And you’re the perfect thing to say

A + T + B       And you play it coy      but it’s kind a cute

Allen              Ah, when you smile at me you know exactly what you do

S + A              baby don’t

T + B              baby don’t pretend    that you don’t know it’s true.

Allen              Cause you can see it when I look at you

And in this crazy life

and through these crazy   times

It’s you it’s you    you make me sing

T + B              you’re ev’ry line

S + A                          you’re ev’ry word

Allen              you’re ev’rything.

T + B              You’re a carousel

S + A                          Yes I am

T + B              you’re a wishing well

S + A                          Yes I am

T + B              and you light me up

S + A                          I light you up

T + B              when you ring my bell.

S + A              You’re a mistery

T + B                          Yes I am

S + A              you’re from outer space

T + B                          Yes I am

S + A              you’re ev’ry minute of my ev’ry day.

A + T + B       And I can’t believe,    uh that I’m your man,

Allen              and I get to kiss you baby just because I can.

S + A              Whatever comes our way

T + B              Whatever comes our way I will see it through

Allen              and you know    that’s what our love can do

And in this crazy life

and through these crazy times

It’s you it’s you    you make me sing

T + B              you’re ev’ry line

S + A                          you’re ev’ry word

Allen              you’re ev’rything.

Allen              you’re ev’rything.

A + T              So la la la la la la la

Allen              So la la la la la la la

S + T               And in this

Allen              crazy life

and through these crazy times

It’s you it’s you    you make me sing

T + B              you’re ev’ry line

S + A                          you’re ev’ry word

Allen              you’re ev’rything.

S + A              you’re ev’ry song

T + B              and I sing along

Allen              cause you’re my ev’rything

B                     cause you’re my ev’rything

S                     cause you’re my ev’rything

B                     cause you’re my ev’rything

S                     cause you’re my ev’rything

A + T              So la la la la la la la

B                     cause you’re my ev’rything

S                     cause you’re my ev’rything

S + B              cause you’re my ev’rything

Allen              so la la la enz.



Everything tekst

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