107 – Happy Xmas

107 – Happy Xmas (word document, printen)

S                                 So this is Christmas

and what have you done?

Another year over,

a new one just begun.

S + A                          And so this is Christmas,

I hope you have fun.

The near and the dear ones,

the old and the young.

Allen                          A merry, merry Christmas,

and a Happy New Year,

Let’s hope it’s a good one

without any fear.


S                                 And so happy Xmas,

A + mannen            War is over, if you want it, war is over now.____

S                                 for weak and for strong.

The rich and the poor ones,

the road is so long.

S + A                          And so happy Xmas

For black and for white,

for the yellow and red ones,

let’s stop all the fights.

Allen                          A merry, merry Xmas

and a Happy New Year.

Let’s hope it’s a good one

without any fear.




S                                 So this is Xmas,

A + mannen            War is over, if you want it, war is over now.____

and what have you done?

Another year over,

a new one just begun.

S + A                          And so this is Christmas

I hope you have fun.

The near and the dear ones,

the old and the young.

Allen                          A merry, merry Christmas,

and a Happy New Year,

Let’s hope it’s a good one

without any fear.

A                                 War is over, if you want it, war is over now.____

A + S                          War is over, if you want it, war is over now.____

Allen                          War is over, if you want it, war is over now.____ (2X)



142 – Kerstwensen

142 Kerstwensen (word document)

’t Is Kerstmis

’t Is kerstmis

’t Is Kertsmis overal!

Wij dromen onze dromen

bij mooi versierde bomen,

dus wensen wij elkaar:



S         Prettige Kerstdagen (3 X) en een gelukkig nieuwjaar!

A         Frohe Weihnachten (3 X) und ein gutes Neues Jahr!

T         Merry Christmas (3 X) and a happy New Year!

B         Joyeux Noël (3 X) et Bonne Année!


’t Is Kerstmis

’t is Kerstmis

’t Is Kerstmis overal!

We laten nog steeds horen

dat Jezus is geboren,

dus wensen wij elkaar:


’t Is Kerstmis

’t is Kerstmis

’t Is Kerstmis overal!

Het is al lang geleden,

Maar nóg is er geen vrede,

Dus wensen wij elkaar:


 ’t Is Kerstmis

’t is Kerstmis

’t Is Kerstmis overal!

We blijven het herhalen

in allerhande talen,

dus wensen wij elkaar:



035 – The First Nowell (Noël)

35 The First Nowell (word document)

Bekijk hier een video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJE9aqw5Qx8

Allen              1. The first Nowell,

the angel did say,

was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay.

In fields where they

lay keeping their sheeps

S + A              on a cold winter’s night that was so deep.

Mannen        on a cold winter’s night so deep.


Refrein (allen)         Nowell, nowell, nowell, nowell.

Born is the King of Israël.


Allen              2. They looked up

and saw a star, shining in the East beyond them far.

And to they earth

it gave great light

S + A              on so it continued both day and night.

Mannen        and continued both day and night.




Allen              3. Then let us all

with one accord

sing praises to our heavenly Lord.

That hath made heav’n

and earth of nought

S + A              and with his blood mankind hath bought

Mannen        his blood mankind hath bought.


Refrein 2X

106 – Joy to the world

106 Joy to the world (word document)

Joy to the world! The Lord is come!

Let earth receive her King;

Let ev’ry heart prepare Him room

And heav’n and nature sing;

And heav’n and nature sing;

And heav’n and heav’n and nature sing.


Joy tot he world! The Saviour reigns!

Let men their songs employ;

While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains

Repeat the sounding joy;

Repeat the sounding joy;

Repeat, repeat the sounding joy.


He rules the world with truth and grace,

And makes the nations prove

The glories of His righteousness

And wonders of His love;

And wonders of His love;

And wonders, wonders of His love.




245 – Oh Holy Night

245 Oh holy night (word document)

Print dit lied Print dit lied

S + A                        Oh, holy night

the stars are brightley shining. It is the night of our dear saviours birth.

A + man      Long lay the world__

in sin and error pining, till he appeared and the soul felt his word__.

S                   The thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices.

For yonder breaks a new and glor’ious morn.

Allen            Fall_____ on your knees____

and hear___ the angels’ voices

Oh night___ divine___ Oh night__ when Christ was born___

S                   Oh night___ Oh holy night.

A + man      Oh night. Oh holy night. Oh holy night.

Allen            Oh night.


Truly he taught us

to love one another. His law is love and his gospel is peace.

Chains shall he break for the slave is our brother

and in his name all oppression shall cease___.

S                   Sweet hymn of joy, in grateful chorus praise we.

A + man      hymn of joy_____

S                   Let all within us praise his holy name.

A + man      all within us praise____

Allen            Fall_____ on your knees____

and hear___ the angels’ voices

Oh night___ divine___ Oh night when Christ was born___

S                   Oh night___ Oh holy night

A + man      Oh night. Oh holy night. Oh holy night.

Allen            Oh night.

Oh night____

244 – You raise me up

You raise me up, tekst (print)

244                            You raise me up

S + A              1.        When I am down and oh, my soul’s so weary.

mannen                    When troubles come       and my heart burdened be.

Allen                          Then I am still and wait here in the silence

until you come

and sit a while with me.


Refr    You raise me up so I can stand on mountains.

You raise me up     to walk on stormy seas.

Mannen                   I am strong

S + A                          Strong

Allen                          when I am on your shoulders

You raise me up

to more than I can be.


S + A              2.        There is no life, no life whithout its hunger.

Mannen                   Each restless heart beats so imperfectly

Allen                          But when you come and I am filled with wonder

sometimes I think

I glimpse eternity.


2x              Refr    You raise me up so I can stand on mountains.

You raise me up     to walk on stormy seas.

Mannen                   I am strong

S + A                          Strong

Allen                          when I am on your shoulders

You raise me up

to more than I can be.


You raise me up                 to more than I can be.

132 – Concert Celabration

132 Concert Celebration


The Phantom of the opera

Allen              In sleep he sang to me__, in dreams he came,__

that voice wich calls to me__ and speaks my name.

And do I dream again__ for now I find__

The phan__tom of the opera is there__ inside my mind__

He’s there the phantom of the opera__

Beware the phantom of the opera__ Ah__

The music of the night

Allen              Nighttime sharpens, heightens each sensation;

darkness stirs and wakes imagination.

Silently the senses abandon their defences.

Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendour;

grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender.

Turn  your face away from the garish light of day,

turn your thoughts away from cold unfeeling light

and listen tot he music of the night__

                        Don’t cry for me Argentina

S + A              Don’t cry for me Argentina___ the truth is I never left you:

All through my wild days my mad existence  I kept my promise

T + B                          All trough my wild days   my mad existece, kept my promise                    

Don’t keep your distance.

S + A                          Don’t keep your distance

Allen              All through my wild days__, my mad existence__

I kept my promise

Don’t keep your distance__


Allen              Jesus Christ    Jesus Christ

who are you? What have you sacrificed?

Jesus Christ    Jesus Christ

who are you? What have you sacrificed?

Jesus Christ    Superstar

Do you think you’re what they say you are?

Jesus Christ    Superstar

Do you think you’re what they say you are?

Don’t you get me wrong(4X)

Only want to know (4X)

Jesus Christ    Jesus Christ

who are you? What have you sacrificed?

Jesus Christ    Jesus Christ

who are you? What have you sacrificed?


Allen              Midnight__, not a sound from the pavement.__

Has the moon lost her mem’ry__ She is smiling alone___.

In the lamplight the withered leaves collect at my feet__

S + A              And the wind___ begins to moan.__

T + B                          And the wind begins to moan.__

Burnt out ends of smoky days

S + A              Ah–,                          Ah—

T + B              the stale cold smell of morning.

S + A              The streetlamp dies, another night is over

T+ B               0h–,                           oh—

Allen              Another day is dawning__

Touch me. It’s so easy to leave me

All alone with the mem’ry__ of my days in the sun

If you touch me you’ll understand what happiness is__

Look a new day has begun!______

Go go go Joseph

Allen              ( Go go go Joseph, you know what they say.

Hang on now Joseph, you’ll make it some day.

Sha la la Joseph, you’re doing fine__

You and yor dream coat ahead of your time.) 2X

Go go go Joseph,   go go go Joseph,   go go go Joe____

Go    go    Joe!


241B – Mag ik dan bij jou (3-stemmig)

241 B Mag ik dan bij jou

Print dit lied Print dit lied



241B           Mag ik dan bij jou


Allen                   Dm__ dm__ dm dm dm__ enz


Couplet 1

S   Als de oorlog komt

en als ik dan moet schuilen,

mag ik dan bij jou?

Als er een clubje komt,

waar ik niet bij wil horen,

mag ik dan bij jou?


A                         Als er een regel komt

waar ik niet aan voldoen kan,

mag ik dan bij jou?

S + Mannen        Dm__ dm__dm dm dm___enz

A                         En als ik iets moet zijn,

wat ik nooit geweest ben,

mag ik dan bij jou?

S + Mannen        Dm__ dm__dm dm dm__enz



S + A                   Mag ik dan bij jou schuilen,

mannen                                 Bij jou schuilen,

S + A                   als het nergens anders kan?

Allen                   En als ik____ moet huilen,

droog jij m’n tranen dan?

S + A                   Want als ik___ bij jou mag,

mannen                                 Ik_ bij jou mag,

S + A                   mag jij altijd bij mij.

mannen              Kom bij mij wanneer je wilt

S + A                              Kom wanneer je wilt,

Allen                   ik hou een kamer voor je vrij.


Couplet 2

S                          Als er onweer komt

A + Mannen       Mag

S                          en als ik dan bang ben,

A + Mannen       ik

S                          mag ik dan bij jou?

A + Mannen       bij jou?

Als de avond valt

A + Mannen       Mag

S                          en ’t is mij te donker,

A + Mannen       ik

bij jou       bij jou?

S                          mag ik dan bij jou?

S + Mannen        Dm dm__ dm__ dm dm dm__ enz.

A                         Als de lente komt

En als ik dan verliefd ben,

mag ik dan bij jou?

S + Mannen        Dm__  dm__ dm dm__dm__ dm dm

A                          Als de liefde komt

en ik weet het zeker,

mag ik dan bij jou?

S + Mannen        Dm__ dm__ dm dm__dm__



S + A                   Mag ik dan bij jou schuilen,

mannen                                 Bij jou schuilen,

S + A                   als het nergens anders kan?

Allen                   En als ik____ moet huilen,

droog jij m’n tranen dan?

S + A                   Want als ik___ bij jou mag,

mannen                                 Ik_ bij jou mag,

S + A                   mag jij altijd bij mij.

mannen              Kom bij mij wanneer je wilt

S + A                             Kom wanneer je wilt,

Allen                   ik hou een kamer voor je vrij.



Allen                   Dm dm enz.



S + A                    Mag ik dan bij___  jou schuilen,

mannen                                 Bij_  jou schuilen,

S + A                    als het nergens anders kan?

allen                    En als ik___moet huilen,

droog jij m’n tranen dan?

S + A                    Want als ik__ bij jou mag,

Mannen                                 Ik_ bij jou mag,

S + A                    mag jij altijd bij mij.

mannen              Kom bij mij wanneer je wilt,

S + A                            Kom wanneer je wilt,

Allen                    ik hou een kamer voor je vrij.



A                          Als het einde komt

S + mannen        Mag

A                          en als ik dan bang ben,

S + mannen        ik

A                          mag ik dan bij jou?

S + mannen        bij jou?

A                          Als het einde komt,

S + mannen        Mag

A                          en als ik dan alleen ben,

S + mannen        ik

A                          mag ik dan bij jou?

S                          bij jou dan bij jou?

Mannen              bij jou     bij jou











203 – Love never falls

203 – Love never fails (word document, printen)

Allen              Love________

love is patient, love is kind.

Love________ does not worry, does not boast;

it is not proud, it is not rude.

It is not easily angered; love keeps no record of wrongs.

Love________ never fails,

never fails. I promise you,

my love___ will never fail,

and I will give to you



and love______.

Love does not delight in evil.

Love________ will always protect,

always trust and always hope;

and it will persevere.

Love____ rejoices in truth.


Love________ never fails,

never fails. I promise you,

my love___ will never fail,

and I will give to you



and love______.





Love________ never fails,

never fails. I promise you,

my love___ will never fail,

and I will give to you

faith,____ hope

and love;

but the greatest of these is love_____


I give you love_____.