132 – Concert Celabration

132 Concert Celebration


The Phantom of the opera

Allen              In sleep he sang to me__, in dreams he came,__

that voice wich calls to me__ and speaks my name.

And do I dream again__ for now I find__

The phan__tom of the opera is there__ inside my mind__

He’s there the phantom of the opera__

Beware the phantom of the opera__ Ah__

The music of the night

Allen              Nighttime sharpens, heightens each sensation;

darkness stirs and wakes imagination.

Silently the senses abandon their defences.

Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendour;

grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender.

Turn  your face away from the garish light of day,

turn your thoughts away from cold unfeeling light

and listen tot he music of the night__

                        Don’t cry for me Argentina

S + A              Don’t cry for me Argentina___ the truth is I never left you:

All through my wild days my mad existence  I kept my promise

T + B                          All trough my wild days   my mad existece, kept my promise                    

Don’t keep your distance.

S + A                          Don’t keep your distance

Allen              All through my wild days__, my mad existence__

I kept my promise

Don’t keep your distance__


Allen              Jesus Christ    Jesus Christ

who are you? What have you sacrificed?

Jesus Christ    Jesus Christ

who are you? What have you sacrificed?

Jesus Christ    Superstar

Do you think you’re what they say you are?

Jesus Christ    Superstar

Do you think you’re what they say you are?

Don’t you get me wrong(4X)

Only want to know (4X)

Jesus Christ    Jesus Christ

who are you? What have you sacrificed?

Jesus Christ    Jesus Christ

who are you? What have you sacrificed?


Allen              Midnight__, not a sound from the pavement.__

Has the moon lost her mem’ry__ She is smiling alone___.

In the lamplight the withered leaves collect at my feet__

S + A              And the wind___ begins to moan.__

T + B                          And the wind begins to moan.__

Burnt out ends of smoky days

S + A              Ah–,                          Ah—

T + B              the stale cold smell of morning.

S + A              The streetlamp dies, another night is over

T+ B               0h–,                           oh—

Allen              Another day is dawning__

Touch me. It’s so easy to leave me

All alone with the mem’ry__ of my days in the sun

If you touch me you’ll understand what happiness is__

Look a new day has begun!______

Go go go Joseph

Allen              ( Go go go Joseph, you know what they say.

Hang on now Joseph, you’ll make it some day.

Sha la la Joseph, you’re doing fine__

You and yor dream coat ahead of your time.) 2X

Go go go Joseph,   go go go Joseph,   go go go Joe____

Go    go    Joe!


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