248 – Why tell me why

248 Why tell me why (pdf document)

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248                      Why tell me why


S                                 When I was young,

I felt the need of learning,


Love, I was told,

kept the wheel on turning,


A + mannen            Oo_____________ hoo

S                                 Still I’m trying to find,

A + mannen            Oo_____________ hoo

S                                 peace of mind inside.

For once in your life

you feel the urge of knowing,

knowing and wondering why__________

Allen                          Oo____wah____ha____


Verse 1         S          Come on people let us use our sense,

our time is running out there ain’t no doubt about.

We can make it, try to re-arrange it.

If there’s a price, we got to toss the dice. O-ho-ho ho

A + mannen            Won’t you tell me what’s right?

S                                  O-ho-ho yeah.

A + mannen            Won’t you tell me what’s wrong?

S                                  O-ho-ho ho.

A + mannen            Won’t you tell me what’s right?

S                                  Somebody tell me now!

A + mannen            Tell me now!

Allen                          Believe in


believe in

S + A                          oh,

Allen                          in humanity.

Believe in

yeah, (alt), yeah, (sopr), yeah, (mannen)

we’ll meet again

S                                 somehow     somewhere             someday

A + mannen             Believe in                 this special day.


Chorus 1       Allen  Why tell me, why tell me why, tell me why do I pray?

I need to know right now,

S + A                          wo-ho-ho

S                                 ho.

A + mannen             Why tell me, why tell me

Allen                          why, tell me why do I pray?

I hope that freedom soon will come our way

A                                 Tell me why, (6X)

mannen                    Tell me why, (5X)


Verse 2         S          Come on people lent a helpin’ hand,

A + mannen            Come on people

helpin’ hand

S                                 no need to fuzz and fight

A + mannen            fuzz and fight

S                                 we all know where we stand

A + mannen            where we stand, O-ho ho

Allen                          Help me make it,

S                                 try to

Allen                          re-arrange it

Name your price and I will toss the dice

S                                 O-ho-ho ho

A + mannen            Won’t you tell me what’s right?

S                                 O-ho-ho yeah.

A + mannen            Won’t you tell me what’s wrong?

S                                 O-ho-ho ho.

A + mannen            Won’t you tell me what’s right?

S                                 Somebody tell me now!

A + mannen            Tell me now!

Allen                          Believe in


believe in

S + A                          oh,

Allen                          in humanity.

Believe in

yeah, (alt), yeah, (sopr), yeah, (mannen)

we’ll meet again

S                                 somehow     somewhere             someday

A + mannen            Believe in                 this special day.


Chorus 2       Allen  Why tell me, why tell me why, tell me why do I pray?

S                                 I need to knw right now, wo-ho-ho ho___.

A                                 I need to know right now, wo-ho-ho

Mannen                   I need to know right now

A + mannen            Why tell me, why tell me why, why do I pray?

S                                 why tell me why do I pray?

Allen                          I hope that freedom soon will come our way.

A + mannen            tell me, why tell me why, tell me why do I pray?

S                                 I need

Allen              `          I need  a key to help

S + A                          me anyway.

A + mannen            Tell me, why tell me why, tell me why do I pray?

S                                 why tell me why do I pray?

Allen                          I hope that freedom soon will come our way.

Tell me why. ( 4X)



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