163 – Music


Music (word document)

Solo               Music was my first love

and it will be my last

music of the future

and music of the past.

To live without my music

will be impossible to do,

‘cause in this world of trouble

my music pulls me through!

Allen              da da da enz.

pa  pa  pa enz.

Solo               Music was my first love

S + A                          Music was my first love

T + B                                                      first love

Solo               and it will be my last

S + A                          it will be my last

T + B                                      be my last

Solo               music of the future

S + A                          music of the future

T + B                                                  future

Solo               and music of the past (3 X)

Allen              and music of the past

Da da da enz.

Music was my first love

and it will be my last

music of the future

and music of the past.

To live without my music

will be impossible to do,

Solo               ‘cause in this world of trouble

Allen                          in this world of trouble

Solo               my music pulls me through!

Allen                          it pulls me through!



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